
Body Transformation

Strength • Pilates • Yoga

Cultivate your life

The ultimate self-care

Cultivate (verb):

To build, to grow, to develop, to nurture.

Let us help you to become

the best you:

• A fitter body

• A better lifestyle

• A healthy 80/20 diet

• Improved movement

• A more positive mindset

Body Transformation

Our aim is for you to leave our 12 week programme with a healthier body, lifestyle, and outlook.

12 weeks of dedication & commitment to grow, build, and develop your fitness goals.

Pilates & Yoga

Pilates and yoga are incredibly beneficial practices that target core muscles, improve posture, benefit overall fitness performance, and reduce stress.

If you work online and experience a lot of back pain or are feeling stiff and tight in your body, a block of Pilates or yoga sessions may help reduce these problems.

Based in Edinburgh

Based in the centre of Edinburgh, in person training is easy to access.

Train with us from anywhere in the world.

Don’t worry if you aren’t based in Edinburgh, or travel frequently for work - Online PT sessions are available and can help you achieve your fitness goals wherever you live around the world.