Online Programmes

We offer Online Programmes

Whether you want to train at home with minimal equipment, or go to your local gym, we offer a 6 week online training programme designed to help challenge your current fitness levels and normal workout routine.

It can be hard knowing what exercises are best for you to add into your workout routine based on your goals and what you’re looking to achieve. You can often get stuck doing the same thing week after week, without seeing results or a change in weight/ability. The body can get used to going through the same exercise routine, and that’s when results begin to drop.

Our 6 week training programme is ideal for those who:

-Are confident in a gym environment but feel they need to mix-up their normal workout routine without having to pay for PT sessions or long-term fitness programmes.

-Are finding it hard to find motivation to get back into the gym, and want a hand starting up again.

-Want to go to the gym on their own but don’t know what exercises are most beneficial for them.

6 weeks is the perfect timeline to be able to learn new exercises, see a change in ability/form/technique, and to make sure the body doesn’t get used to the same exercises.

Once the 6 weeks has been completed, we can set you up with a new programme if you want to continue.

What’s included?

-A 6 week online training programme designed to help you achieve your fitness goals

-Online tracking of progress

-Weekly check-ins & online support


-6 week online training programme: £100